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Brown University Professor Mark D. Bertness visited Institute of Environmental Health and Ecological Security

发布时间:2019年10月15日 17:13

Brown UniversityProfessor Mark D. Bertness was invited by School of the Environment and Safety Engineering for a three-day visit in Jiangsu University for academic exchange on Oct 14, 2019.

Professor Mark D. Bertness gave a presentation of “Positive interactions in ecological communities” at Hall 3 of Conference Centerat 2:30 pm. Professor Du Daolin chaired he presentation. More than120 staff and students attended and highly acclaimed the presentation. Professor Mark D. Bertness and the school had a close discussion on the presented research.

After the presentation, the Dean of school professor Wu Xiangyang and Professor Mark D. Bertness had a meeting and exchanged the details on academic collaboration, education of student, development of staff, and plan in the next few years. The meeting built an important foundation for the further internationalization of the school.

地址:镇江市学府路301号江苏大学本部 电话: +86-511-88790955 邮箱