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Master Degree Program

Major: 077600Environmental Science and Engineering (M.S.)

Research fields:

1. Environmental chemistry and Analytical Technique

2. Environmental Biological Ecology

3. Environment and Healthy

4. Pollution Control Technology

5. Biomass energy and Resource Application

Major: 083000Environmental Science and Engineering (M.Eng.)

Research fields:

1. Pollution control technology and equipment

2. Environmental analysis and determination techniques

3. Ecology remediation techniques

4. Application of biomass resource

5. Environment and Healthy

Major: 083700 Safety Science and Engineering

Research fields:

1. Prevention and emergency technology of dangerous and harmful sources

2. Safety of industrial and transportation system

3. Safety of environment and ecology

4.Structure safety

Major: 085700 Resource and Environment

1. Safety engineering

2. Environment engineering

地址:镇江市学府路301号江苏大学本部 电话: +86-511-88790955 邮箱