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Research Team for Pollution Control Engineering and Equipment

The team is led by senior researcher Zhiren Wu, who works together with his colleagues in several fields.

1. Water pollution control technology and equipment

Surface modification of novel biological carrier media, carrier fabrication and process effective evaluation; processes upgradation for nitrogen and phosphorous removal and operation regulation for wastewater treatment; technology and equipment development for for oil containing industrial wastewater treatment; development, characterization of advanced oxidation catalysts, and evaluation of their performance; development of Fe-C based microelectrolysis materials and their application in equipment.

2. Water environment remediation and ecological engineering

Ecological remediation technology and application in degraded wet lands, lakes and rivers; study on the influencing process and mechanism of aquatic plant cycling nitrogen in polluted water; integration of technologies of water body remediation and recycling purification.

3. Air pollution control technology and equipment

Technology and equipment for efficient capture of ultrafine dust; plasma technology for sulfur and nitrogen removals by treating fumes; in-door pollution control technology; technology and equipment for control of volatile organic compounds(VOCs); plasma purification technology for treating mobile source exhaust.

4. Solid waste treatment and reclamation

Treatment and reclamation technologies for agriculture and forestry solid wastes; Sludge reduction and reclamation; Treatment and reclamation technologies for municipal solid wastes; Harmless technology for treatment of solid wastes.

5. Remediation of contaminated soil and land source planning

Migration and transformation of persistent organic pollutants in soils; efficient remediation of metal/organic compound contaminated soil by integrating electrical/magnetic coupling, electromigration/hydroxyl radical technologies; land utilization planning, territorial resource management, natural resource planning and management.

地址:镇江市学府路301号江苏大学本部 电话: +86-511-88790955 邮箱